A lead researcher explaining the benefits of Cognition.run

10 Illuminating Examples of Behavioral Science


Behavioral science delves into the mysteries of human behavior, exploring the myriad factors influencing our decisions. Here, we present ten examples that shed light on our complex behaviors and choices.

Examples of Behavioral Science

  1. The Anchoring Effect

    When making decisions, people tend to rely heavily on the first piece of information encountered (the "anchor"). For instance, initial prices set for products can shape consumer perceptions of subsequent prices.

  2. Loss Aversion

    People tend to prefer avoiding losses over acquiring equivalent gains. The pain of losing something is psychologically twice as powerful as the pleasure of gaining something of equal value.

  3. The Endowment Effect

    People often assign a higher value to things merely because they own them. This is evident when individuals place a higher selling price on objects they own compared to what they'd pay for the same item.

  4. Confirmation Bias

    Individuals prefer to access and believe information that confirms their pre-existing beliefs while ignoring contradicting evidence.

  5. Reciprocity Principle

    When someone does something for us, we naturally want to return the favor, which marketers often exploit through free samples or trials.

  6. Social Proof

    People tend to follow the actions of the masses, believing that such a large group can't be wrong. This behavior is evident in trends and the popularity of reviews.

  7. The Halo Effect

    When we perceive someone positively in one aspect, that positive bias extends to other areas as well. For example, finding someone attractive can lead to the assumption they're also kind or intelligent.

  8. Cognitive Dissonance

    People feel discomfort when holding conflicting beliefs and are often motivated to change their views to restore harmony.

  9. The Scarcity Principle

    Items in short supply are perceived as more valuable, driving people to act quickly for fear of missing out.

  10. The Bystander Effect

    Individuals are less likely to help someone in distress when others are present, often assuming someone else will step in.


Behavioral science provides a fascinating lens into human nature, illustrating patterns and biases that influence our decisions. As research continues, our understanding of these behaviors can lead to more informed choices in various life aspects.