Tutorial: How To Use The European I-BEX Platform

Illustration of a research scientist

Running experiments, especially online ones, is often a daunting task. However, using platforms like the European I-BEX can streamline this process, making it easier than ever to set up and conduct your studies.

Step by Step Guide to Setup an Experiment

Setting up an experiment on the I-BEX platform involves several steps. Here's a basic breakdown:

  1. Register: Visit www.cognition.run and sign up for an account.
  2. Create Your Experiment: After logging in, go to 'My experiments' and click on 'New Experiment'.
  3. Design Your Experiment: You can navigate to the experiment's Design tab and start building your experiment by selecting cognitive tasks.
  4. Configure Behavioral and Cognitive Parameters: These parameters are crucial in determining how your participants will interact with your cognitive experiment. This often depends on the specific details of your psychological research.
  5. Test & Iterate: Before launching, conduct a pilot study and gather and interpret initial data. Modify your experiment design based on this feedback.
  6. Run Your Experiment: After you’re satisfied with your setup, you can start collecting data.

Where to Find Documentation

Learning new platforms can be challenging, but thankfully, I-BEX offers comprehensive documentation to facilitate this process. The documentation is located in the 'Help' section of the platform, where you can find various tutorials, FAQs, and other user guides.

Next Steps

Upon successful setup of your experiment, the next integral steps include recruitment of participants, running the experiment, and analyzing the results. It is crucial to adequately prepare for these stages to ensure your experiment runs smoothly.

The remote nature of online experiments has opened a new realm of opportunities for conducting behavioral and cognitive experiments. While it can be challenging to adjust to these new dynamics, tools like jsPsych and platforms like I-BEX make the process manageable and more efficient. Rest assured, the future of cognitive and psychological research is bright and increasingly more accessible.

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